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740 Rose Avenue West
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Ms. Talisha Jackson

Email: talisha.jackson@spps.org

Phone: 651-744-2462

My name is Talisha Jackson, and I am very excited to be a part of the admin team at Como Park Senior High School.  I have been a part of SPPS for 11 years. During my time with SPPS, I worked as a special education para as well as a Mental Health practitioner. I recently worked as a special education teacher for the Fed III EBD setting.  I have my Ed.S Principal K-12 license from Concordia University, St. Paul and I received my ABS license from St. Thomas University, Minnesota. I am currently working towards a Doctorate in Education (Ed. D.) degree from Concordia University. I have 3 wonderful children , of which two attend SPPS, and one is at the U of MN. In my free time, I love spending time with my family, dancing and enjoying our crazy Minnesota weather.  I will be the 10th grade Assistant Principal at Como. My focus is equity, inclusiveness and cultural awareness practices.  Together we will collaborate, so all students will get access to a fair and equitable education. Remember to smile because you matter