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Cell Phone Policy

Como Park Senior High School Cell Phone Policy 

At Como Park Senior High School, we support our students in using technology for real-world life and especially as a learning tool.  We are not allowing cell phones to be used in school during instructional time between the hours of 8:30-3 pm.


Our expectations around cell phone use: 

  1. Adults are in charge of the teaching and safety in spaces they lead. 

    1. Keeping phones out of learning spaces helps keep students focused on learning. Adults will first give a verbal redirection to put the phone away.

    2. If the student does not follow this reasonable request or their phone becomes a barrier again, the adult will request the cell phone to go into a secure area with the adult until the end of the period.

    3. If the student does not follow staff requests or their phone isn’t put away in a secure area in the class, the adult will request an intervention with a behavior staff. An office discipline referral form will be completed, then the device will be stored with a behavior staff or Admin for the remainder of the day. Family will be contacted. 

    4. If a student’s cell phone misuse becomes a pattern, or they continually defy reasonable requests, a family conference will be required and a phone agreement will be put in place. 

  2. Making phone calls or receiving phone calls are only permitted in the school office and with the permission of an adult or during passing/ lunch time. Students should not take or make phone/video calls on devices during class time. 

    1. Students who take or make phone or video calls on devices during class will be referred to the Behavior Intervention staff. Families will be contacted. 

    2. If a student continues to make or take calls on devices during class, a family conference will be required and a phone agreement will be put in place. 

So why are we tightening up our cell phone expectations? 

1. To grow as a person requires real, human interaction. We believe that learning the skills of in-person communication and collaboration are essential. One of the most important skills our students will learn at Como Park Senior is how to get along and work well, face-to-face, with a variety of people. 

2. Electronics have become disruptive. Cell phone notifications disrupt both the student and the class. We want students focused on the learning, not who’s calling or texting them. 

3. They get stolen. Unfortunately, as wonderful as our Como Park students are, phones are stolen. They are attractive items. While we try to help students problem-solve, the school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronics. Every classroom will have a safe, secure area to protect cell phones during instructional learning time, if a student doesn’t have a secure place to store them during class.  

4. Students don’t need them. Every student at Como Park is given an iPad for academic use. We are asking you to not only review these expectations but also to help out by not texting or contacting your student during the school day. In the event of an emergency, please call the main office, 651-293-8800 and we will get a message to your student as soon as possible.