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Ducatman, Samuel

Email: samuel.ducatman@stpaul.k12.mn.us

Phone: ‪(651) 419-6934‬

Qualifications: B.A. Math and Science--Grinnell College--2010 Masters of Physics--UW-Madison--2014 PhD in Physics--U of Minnesota--2017 Teaching License in Physics--U of Minnesota--2018

Dr. Samuel C Ducatman

I am a 5th year teacher at Como Park Senior High School.  I just got my teacher's license in Physics from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.  Before that, I got a physics PhD studying magnetism in metals, also at the University of Minnesota.   

I currently teach "Project lead the way engineering" (period 3A), "College in the Schools Physics" (Periods 2A, 4A, 2B), Physical Science (Period 1B), and AP Physics C "Mechanics" + "Electricity and Magnetism" (period 3B).

In physics and physical science, we study how to describe motion using basic principles such Newton's laws.  Students can expect a mixture of lab work, applied mathematics, some philosophy and history of science, and some discussion of application to technology. 

In engineering, we study how physics principles, including forces, torque, and electromagnetism can be used to solve technical challenges.  We also learn about careers, do engineering case studies to introduce ethics, and look at the environment and city design.

Some fun facts about me:
--I have two daughters, a 1 year old and a 3 year old.
--I like to hike, camp, and bike.  I have not been able to do them much recently though.
--I like "dad jokes" and will try and slip them into my regular speech.

You can contact me at samuel.ducatman@stpaul.k12.mn.us .

You can also call me.  I prefer you call my "google voice" number of ‪(651) 419-6934‬.   You can also text this number.  You can also call my office phone at Como Park Senior High at (651)-744-1907.

If you are interested in viewing my courses in more detail, please visit them at www.schoology.spps.org