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AP Economics

AP Economics

AP Macroeconomics

Welcome to the web site for your 2nd semester Advanced Placement studies of Economics.  In continuing our pursuit of "The Goal", we are diving into the Macroecomic concepts that our government constantly deals with, and that we as citizens are effected by on a daily basis.  As notabable presidential campaign guru James Carville once said, "It's the Economy, Stupid!" 

What are the "right" decisions to make when creating national economy policy?  Do markets fix themselves or does government need to intervene? And what are the proper economical decisions in our personal everyday business?  There is not always a right and a wrong.  But there are always choices, and that's what economists analyze.  To help you start thinking like an economist, we will be focusing our studies as follows:

Unit I:    Basic Economic Concepts (2 weeks)
Unit II:   Measurement of Economic Performance (1 1/2 weeks)
Unit III:  Modeling the Macroeconomy: Aggregate Supply & Demand (3 weeks)
Unit IV:  Fiscal and Monetary Policy (3 weeks)
Unit V:   International Trade and Finance (2 weeks)
Review for AP Government Exam (1 week)
AP Government Exam: Tuesday, May 4, 2020
AP Macroeconomics Exam: Wednesday, May 14, 2020

For assistance in learning Economic Terms and Concepts, you will have your very own copy of"Economics" by Roger A. Arnold, Cal State San Marcos, 12th ed., copyright 2019.

Additionally, please use the links below to supplement your classwork and explore economic concepts that are of interest to you.