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School Compact

Family-School Compact for Achievement 2024-2025

Vision Statement

As a community, we stretch for the horizon to attain a diverse community bound together by our commitment to prepare our young people to become caring, productive citizens in a dynamic and changing world.

Mission Statement

To provide a rich learning environment that challenges and supports all students in finding and developing their own gifts and continuing the journey to reach their potential.

A Family-School Compact for Achievement is an agreement that families, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents/guardians and teachers work together to make sure all students get the individual support they need to reach and exceed grade level standards.

Activities to Support Partnerships 

Parent-Teacher Conferences

  • October 10 and 15, March 6 and 11: 4:00-7:00

Parent Meetings

  • Parent Advisory Council- 1st Monday of each month
  • Open House/Title I Annual Meeting
  • Senior Parent Meeting
  • FAFSA Nights
  • Booster Club -One Monday each month 6:30-7:30pm. Dates will be announced in the newsletter and CPSHS website

Communicating about Learning

Como Park Senior High School is committed to communicating regularly with families about student learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to communicate are:

  • Check Parent Portal for attendance
  • Check Schoology for daily grades
  • Parent-Teacher conferences
  • Biweekly school newsletter
  • Parent emails
  • Website: Comosr.spps.org
  • Facebook: Como Park Senior High
  • X (Twitter): @ComoPark_hs
  • Parents: Update your email and phone numbers to receive the school newsletter and teacher calls.

Use the Campus tool or call the school with updated information. For assistance, contact the clerk at 651-293-8800.

At School

CPSHS will work with students and their families to support students’ academic success. We as a staff will:

  • Provide high expectations, quality curriculum and instruction, academic support, and enrichment activities in a safe, supportive and effective learning environment.
  • Report timely information on each student’s progress through Schoology/Parent Portal, progress reports, quarterly report cards, and parent-teacher conferences.
  • Respond to parent/guardian communication in a timely manner and be available to help students after school.
  • Be respectful and kind.
  • Encourage students to use technology responsibly.


CPSHS parents/guardians will partner with the staff to support academic success at home. We Como parents/guardians will:

  • Ensure my student attends school every day and arrives on time.
  • Talk with my student about their education.
  • Be involved in the Como community by attending at least one school event during the year: Open House, concert, conferences, sporting event, Booster Club, or parent meeting.
  • Parent/Guardian volunteer opportunities are available. Please call Jamie Hoffman 651-744-5529 if you are interested.
  • Be respectful and kind.
  • Have conversations about high expectations and responsible use of technology.


Como Park Senior High School students will share the responsibilities with their families and the school to improve academic achievement. We Como students will:

  • Attend school every day and be on time for class.
  • Stay organized by keeping track of assignments
  • Get help when needed
    • Stay after school to work with teachers and tutors
    • Join a study group
  • Set goals for my grades and for my future plans.
  • Keep track of my progress through Schoology
  • Be respectful and kind
  • Use technology responsibly

Como Park Senior High School Goals


The percentage of 10th grade students scoring proficient or higher in reading will increase by at least 5% pts. as measured by the MCA III Reading Assessment administered in April 2025.


The percentage of 11th grade students scoring proficient or higher in math will increase by at least 5% pts. as measured by the MCA III Math Assessment administered in April 2025.

District Goals

More information at spps.org/strategicplan

  • Decrease disparities based on race, ethnicity, culture, and identity
  • Increase achievement of English Learners
  • Increase achievement of students receiving special education services
  • Improve kindergarten readiness
  • Increase academic growth in reading and math for all students
  • Prepare all graduates for college, career, and life

Jointly Developed with Families

The staff, families, and students at Como Park Senior High School developed this Compact for Achievement. Meetings are held each year to update the Compact. Families are welcome to contribute comments at any time.

For more information on the Compact please contact:  Jamie Hoffman at 651-744-5529. 


Principal:  Dr. Diana Brown

Assistant Principals:

  • Michelle Odeen, Grade 9
  • Anthony Minus, Grade 10
  • Dr. Talisha Jackson, Grades 11 and 12

Do you have questions about your student’s progress? Contact your student’s teacher, counselor or case manager.  Staff directory can be found on Comosr.spps.org under “About.” 


  • Holly Moser, A-Fr Grades 9-12
  • Kia Thao, Fu-Ma Grades 9-12
  • Farah Abuqalbeen, Mc-Reh Grades 9-12
  • Choua Vang, Rei-Z Grades 9-12

For Parent Portal and Schoology assistance contact: Jamie Hoffman at 651-744-5529