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Grading Policy

Como Park Senior High’s Grading Procedures:

Grades should reflect what students know and can do. Grades should support a growth mindset and students should be given multiple opportunities to show learning. Grades should be based on understandable rubrics that give details about student performance.

Retakes & Redos:
Students can retake summative assessments if they make a plan with their teacher within a week of the grade being posted in Schoology. Teachers may require additional coursework (e.g. completing a missing assignment or redoing a formative assessment) before the summative retake. Teachers may provide in class opportunities for retakes.

Late Work
All work should be turned in by the due date.  Students may submit late work within two weeks of the due date, as long as it is turned in one week before the end of the quarter. 

Grade updates in Schoology:
Teachers will update grades in Schoology at least once a week, by Tuesday.

Course Syllabus:
Teachers will post the syllabus for each class on the class Schoology page, with specifics on assessments, standards, and classroom expectations.

How grades are calculated:
80% is summative assessments - where students show what they know based on standards.
20% is formative assessments - where students do the learning and practicing
Unweighted (0%) - Participation/Completion
Extra credit, non-academic work, and behavior are not included in the grade.

Advanced Placement (AP) and College in the Schools (CIS) Level Classes (Grades 11 & 12)
All AP and CIS level coursework must adhere to subject-specific College Board and University of Minnesota assessment policies.

SPPS Grading Scale: