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Individual and Community Health Education curriculum covers the National Health Education Standards and the District Power Standards for St. Paul Public School students.  The objective of Individual and Community Health Education is to give students the opportunity to learn health behaviors and concepts related to health science which enhance overall health & well being of individuals and our respective communities. 
Health Education is a required for two quarters or one semester; usually taken in the sophomore year.  This course provides information and experiences so that each student acquires a background of accurate health knowledge, opportunities to develop positive health attitudes, and make wise health decisions, evident in his or her behavior. 
Good health is not a one-time decision but a series of decisions throughout our lives.  In class, students investigate the physical, mental, spiritual, social and emotional dimensions of their health and what has influenced & impacted their decisions. The course focuses on developing habits that lead to healthy lifestyles. 
Skills that students will continue to work on are accessing information, self management, analyzing influences, interpersonal communication, goal setting, decision making and advocacy.  These skills are worked out through-out the semester as students investigate the topics of personal wellness, mental health, fitness, nutrition, tobacco, alcohol & other drugs, consumer health, diseases & disorders, environmental health, and human sexuality. 
Health is your Wealth; invest in your future :-)