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The Mathematics department at Como Park offers a wide variety of math courses, from Intermediate Algebra through two years of AP Calculus. All of the teachers in the department attempt to meet the needs and interests of all students and encourage each student to go as far in mathematics as his or her ability permits. 

Registration Information

As you think about the math class you will take in 9th grade, please keep these registration suggestions in mind:

  • Incoming 9th graders often register for Intermediate Algebra.  This course is the second year of a two-year algebra program begun in 8th grade.
  • Incoming 9th graders who have successfully completed Algebra 1 and Intermediate Algebra in junior high school...

with letter grade of "C-" through "B+" might consider registering for Geometry.

with letter grade of "A-" or higher might consider registering for Accelerated Geometry.

with a letter grade "D+" or lower may want to consider taking Intermediate Algebra to refresh their Algebra 1 skills.

  • Incoming 9th graders who have successfully completed a full-year Algebra I/Intermediate Algebra course AND a full-year Geometry course...

with a letter grade of a "D-" or better might consider registering for Algebra II.

with a letter grade of “A-” or higher might consider registering for Accelerated Algebra II.

  • 9th graders who have completed coursework of Algebra 2 or beyond would register for the next course in the math sequence.  The appropriate course would be determined on a case-by-case basis for each student in consultation with parent/guardian, guidance counselor, and math department representative.

Our goal is to have each student registered in the most appropriate math course for his or her knowledge and skill level.  Mathematics is very sequential and competence at one level should be achieved before moving on to the next.  Contact Colin Marsh, Mathematics Department Chair, with any questions.  651-293-8800  OR  colin.marsh@spps.org