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World Languages

Learning a language other than English gives students a more global perspective and increases opportunities for life after high school. In addition, many colleges require a world language either for admission or for graduation. World language students learn through conversation, writing exercises, field trips, and hands-on activities.
Ninth grade students are placed in language classes by counselors in consultation with students, parents, and middle school language teachers.


Spanish 1: 9-12
Spanish 2: 9-12
Spanish 3: (Honors credit): 9-12, immersion students & native speakers

Spanish 4: Concurrent Enrollment Intermediate Spanish 201- Minnesota State University, Mankato

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive 4 college credits transferable within the MNSCU system.

Year-long course - Honors level credit

Prereq: Span 102, C- or better in high school, Spanish 3 or equivalent

Spanish 5: Concurrent Enrollment Intermediate Spanish 202 - Minnesota State University, Mankato

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive 4 college credits transferable within the MNSCU system.

Prereq: Span 201, C- or better in high school, Spanish 4 or equivalent