**NOTE: Before you print you must either:
1) Highlight what you want on the webpage, go to “File” and “Print,” click the circle next to “Selection,” then “Print.” OR
2) Copy and paste to a Word document (to find “Word,” go to “Start” and choose “Programs.” “MS Office” is where “Word” can be found.) Once you have the information copied and pasted to the Word Document, you can change the size of the font to a smaller size (On the Word Document go to "Edit" then "Select All." Click the arrow next to the font size number at the top and change the number to 10 or 8 if you can read text that small.) OR
3) If you are in a database (Gale, EBSCO, Salem Press etc.) use the “printer friendly” icon and you don’t have to copy and paste.
Searching Tips for Absolutism Project:
- Do not use the numeral “1” when searching for rulers.Use “i.”
- Use short phrases or single words, i.e. “elizabeth i”
- Use quotation marks around phrases with two or more words, i.e. “glorious revolution” or “louis xiv”
- Avoid phrases or terms that are too general, i.e. religion or war
- Use the Advanced Search tool when it will help you.
- To find the MLA source citation in the databases, look for words like “cite,” or “citation.”In Gale’s Discovering Collection, see “Source Citation” at the bottom of the screen.
- When writing citations, if your teacher approves, you only have to write down the citation THROUGH .COM.You don’t need all the numbers and letters at the end.
The following are links to purchased databases (provide citations for you):
EBSCO’s Academic Search Premier. Be sure to check box “Full Text” under “Limit your results:”
EBSCO’s MegaFILE. Be sure to check box “Full Text” under “Limit your results:”
Encyclopedia of World Biography (Gale Virtual Reference Library database):
Gale’s Discovering Collection - Once you have an article, look on left side of screen for narrower topics. Citation is near bottom of screen: “Source Citation.”
Gale’s Expanded Academic ASAP. Be sure to select “to documents with full text.” Citation is near bottom of screen: “Source Citation.”
Gale's InfoTrac Custom Journals for scholarly searches. Be sure to select “to documents with full text.” Citation is near bottom of screen: “Source Citation.”
Salem Press’ History Database: Ancient World through Twentieth Century, Notorious Lives, Milestone Documents and Decades 1950s – 1980s. http://history.salempress.com
The following websites are reliable but are not purchased databases (you need to figure out the citation yourself):
AP European History Web Links - Age of Absolutism:
AP European History Web Links - Wars of Religion:
Boston College. - Prof. Jeffery Howe's webpage on 17th Century
architecture: http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/fnart/arch/17arch_europe.html
Britannia History – “Reformation & Restoration Period”:
Fordham University’s Modern History Sourcebook. Topics are in left column:
Gordon University – “The French Wars of Religion”:
Hanover University History Department's Historical Texts Project - Includes several primary source documents from the 17th Century:
Infomine - Scholarly Internet Research Collections *Note: If you want only "free" hits, on the "Advanced Search" webpage select "Free" under "Resource Access.")
New York Public Library Digital Gallery:
Union County College - Dr. Harold Damerow’s site:
University of Idaho - Dr. Carl Mickelsen's "Timeline: 17th Century Europe/North America”:
University of Wisconsin - J.P. Sommerville’s site on the 17th Century:
MLA Citation Guideline Sheets: