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1) Highlight what you want on the webpage, go to “File” and “Print,” click the circle next to “Selection,” then “Print.”  OR


2)  Copy and paste to a Word document (to find “Word,” go to “Start” and choose “Programs.”  “MS Office” is where “Word” can be found.)   Once you have the information copied and pasted to the Word Document, you can change the size of the font to a smaller size (On the Word Document go to "Edit" then "Select All."  Click the arrow next to the font size number at the top and change the number to 10 or 8 if you can read text that small.)  OR


3) If you are in a database (Gale, EBSCO, Salem Press etc.) use the “printer friendly” icon and you don’t have to copy and paste.



The following links are purchased databases:


http://find.galegroup.com/srcx/start.do?prodId=DC&userGroupName=mnkspps (Database:  Gale Group Discovering Collection.  Type chinese culture or chinese history, etc. in search bar.  Click “Search.”  Look at list in left column for more ideas if you need them.


http://find.galegroup.com/gvrl/start.do?prodId=GVRL&userGroupName=stpaulps (Database: Gale Virtual Reference Library.  Type chinese culture or chinese history, etc. in search bar. 



The following websites are not purchased databases:


http://www.insects.org/ced1/seric.html(Silk production - also called “sericulture” - from Insects.org)


http://www.silk-road.com/artl/silkhistory.shtml(History of Silk -- Silkroad Foundation)


  http://www.chinaetravel.com/china/architec.html (Chinese architecture – China Travel’swebsite)


http://www.chinapage.com/photo/whistler/skyline.html(Chinese architecture - modern – China Page website)


http://www.skyscraperpicture.com/guangzhou.htm(Chinese architecture in Guangzhou, China – modern – Skyscraper website)


http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/architecture(Chinese architecture - Travel China Guide website)


http://depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/home/3intrhme.htm(Chinese house architecture - University of Washington)


http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/china/architecture/index.htm(Chinese architecture - History for Kids)


http://www.chinaculture.org/gb/en_chinaway/2004-03/03/content_46092.htm(Chinese funeral customs - Chinaculture.org)


http://www.thefuneraldirectory.com/moneyburn.html(Chinese funeral customs - burning money – Funeral Directory website)


http://www.newsfinder.org/site/more/chinese_funeral_customs(Chinese funeral - Newsfinder)


http://www.chinabridal.com/etiquette/guide.htm(Chinese weddings - China Bridal.com)


http://www.chinapage.com/calligraphy.html(Calligraphy in China - Chinapage.com)


http://depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/callig/callmain.htm(Calligraphy in China - University of Washington)



http://www.smplanet.com/imperialism/fists.html(Boxer Rebellion - Small Planet Communications)



http://gummiwisdom.com/mulan   (HuaMulan – Randall M! Gee’s Mulan Page)


http://www2.selu.edu/Academics/Faculty/elejeune/mulan.htm(Hua Mulan - SELU faculty member)


http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/hsc/evrev/(Dress in China 1700-1990s – Power House Museum)


http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/china/clothing/index.htm(Chinese clothing - History for Kids)


http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/china/food/index.htm(Ancient Chinese food - History for Kids)


http://www.china.org.cn/english/imperial/25995.htm(Ancient Chinese food - China.org)


http://countrystudies.us/china/19.htm(Revolution of 1911 - Library of Congress)


General topics related to China can be found at:


https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ch.html (CIA World Factbook.  Select the droparrow and choose China.


http://www-chaos.umd.edu/history/time_line.html(History of China timeline)


http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/images.html(Images relating to China)


http://www.chinapictures.org (Picturesrelating to China)


http://www.chinapage.com/main2.html(Chinese culture, geography, etc.)