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Famous Trials

Famous Trials and Controversies

**NOTE:  Before you print you must either:

1) Highlight what you want on the webpage, go to “File” and “Print,” click the circle next to “Selection,” then “Print.”  OR

2)  Copy and paste to a Word document (to find “Word,” go to “Start” and choose “Programs.”  “MS Office” is where “Word” can be found.)   Once you have the information copied and pasted to the Word Document, you can change the size of the font to a smaller size (On the Word Document go to "Edit" then "Select All."  Click the arrow next to the font size number at the top and change the number to 10 or 8 if you can read text that small.)  OR

3) If you are in a database (Gale, EBSCO, Salem Press etc.) use the “printer friendly” icon and you don’t have to copy and paste.


*Remember to use quotations (“ “) around any search phrase.  Examples:  “lynchings” and “Duluth Minnesota” “united states”

The following are links to purchased databases (citations provided):


ABC-CLIO: Username: studentpass22 Password: studentpass22

All of these databases include Primary Resources, research and reference information with in-depth coverage. Databases include: American Government,American History, Issues: Controversy and Society, World at War: Conflict and Society, World Geography: Understanding a Changing World, World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras and World History: The Modern Era


Gale Discovering Collection:

Gale Virtual Reference Library:

Como’s Reliable Online Resources (ROR) link includes the above databases and more:


The following are links to websites that are reliable but are not purchased databases (you have to figure out the citation yourself)

The A Team: "The Scott County Investigation" by Hubert H. Humphrey III; Minnesota Attorney General  

ABA Journal; "Are the Children Lying?" (concerns Jordan, Minnesota child abuse scandal & McMartin Preschool sex abuse cases):      

"Arguments Conclude in West Mamphis 3 Appeal": Arkansas Online              

"Divided by Multiple Charges of Child Abuse, a Minnesota Town Seethes with Anger" (People Magazine):                                                       

Duluth Lynchings Online Resource: Minnesota Historical Society

Excerpts from "The Lynchings in Duluth" by Michael Fedo:

"Famous Trials" by Douglas O. Linder: (inc. Scottsboro, McMartin Preschool trial & Hollywood 10)

 "On this Day: Hollywood 10":  Finding Dulcinea

"Fresh DNA Evidence Boosts Defense in 1993 Arkansas Slayings" : Reuters News

Greg Meyers, etc,.et al., Appelees v. R. Kathleen Morris, Scott County Attorney, etc. et al., Appelants: Greg MYERS, etc., et al., Appellees:     (Jordan Child abuse cases)      

"Highlights of U.S. Patriot Act": U.S. Justice Department

Hollywood 10 Cited for Contempt of Congress:

"The Japanese American Legacy Project" Densho. Org

Japanese Relocation and Internment During Worls War II: National Archives

"Letters from the Japanese Internment": Smithsonian (primary docs)                                                                                                               

"The McMartin Nightmare and the Hysteria Puppeteers:                                                                                                                            

"Ollie Kinkkonen": MPR

"Patriot Act Can Obtain Data in Europe, Researchers Say": CNET

"The Patriot Act: Key Controversies": NPR

"Patriot Act Pros and Cons": Opposing Viewpoint

Reform the Patriot Act: American Civil Liberties Union

Remembering the Hollywood 10: History Channel

Scottsboro Boys : BlackPast. Org

"USA Patriot Act": U.S. government

West Memphis Three: Huffington Post

"Youth is Convicted in Slaying of 3 Boys in an Arkansas City": New York Times