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 Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS) Creates your own personal interest inventory. Also includes several sites to help you explore occupations, colleges and more. (Username: como Password: cougars)

Occupational Outlook Handbook  This has current information on numerous careers.

BLS Career Information organizes data from the above site in a different format.

Occupational Information Network (O*NET OnLine) allows you to search by job category or by typing in a key word.

iSeek  provides links to Minnesota's career, education, employment and business information.

New Jersey School Counselor Association College & Career Information has many helpful sites for both career and college searching.

Minnesota Careers provides steps on how to investigate careers and plan for the career of your choice.

Princeton Review of the Best 357 Colleges provides information on the best colleges in the United States and ranks them as well.

College Board Matchmaker matches you with a college that would be a good fit.

College Navigator (U.S. Dept. of Education) provides information about private and public colleges and makes it easy to compare them.

UCAN (University and College Accountability Network) provides information about private colleges and makes it easy to compare them.

Joyce Valenza's "College Search Pathfinder" covers choosing the best college for you, career inventories, preparing for the SAT and ACT tests, selecting a major, resumes, and more.

The above sites can also be accessed at: http://comosr.spps.org/cc.html


MLA Citation Guideline Sheets


How to do a “Smart Search” on the Internet
