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King Arthur, Knights and Chivalry

King Arthur, Knights and Chivalry

**NOTE:  Before you print you must either:

1) Highlight what you want on the webpage, go to “File” and “Print,” click the circle next to “Selection,” then “Print.”  OR

2)  Copy and paste to a Word document (to find “Word,” go to “Start” and choose “Programs.”  “MS Office” is where “Word” can be found.)   Once you have the information copied and pasted to the Word Document, you can change the size of the font to a smaller size (On the Word Document go to "Edit" then "Select All."  Click the arrow next to the font size number at the top and change the number to 10 or 8 if you can read text that small.)  OR

3) If you are in a database (Grolier, SIRS, Gale, EBSCO, ABC-CLIO etc.) use the “printer friendly” icon and you don’t have to copy and paste.


Terms to use when searching (Remember to use quotation marks (“ “) around phrases when the database allows.  Use advanced search when you can.  Try combinations of the following search terms:)

  • "King Arthur"
  • Knights
  • roundtable
  • chivalry
  • Lancelot
  • "King Arthur's knights"
  • "knights of the round table"
  • Guinevere
  • Sir Lancelot
  • Morgan LaFay
  • Knighthhood
  • jousting
  • Camelot


These links are purchased databases: (citations provided for you)

  ABC-CLIO:  Username: studentpass22  Password: studentpass22

All of these databases include Primary Resources, research and reference information with in-depth coverage. 

Britannica Academic Edition: Provides articles written by Nobel laureates, historians, curators, professors and other distinguished contributors.  Grades 9-12.

Britannica School Edition: Geared for school-related research topics, this group of 4 encyclopedias includes 3 levels: elementary, middle or high school.

Discovering Collection:    This Gale database covers history, literature, science, social studies, and more, providing a premium selection of reference, primary sources, creative works, and multimedia, including hours of video and audio clips.

Britannica Academic Edition: Provides articles written by Nobel laureates, historians, curators, professors and other distinguished contributors.  Grades 9-12.

Britannica School Edition: Geared for school-related research topics, this group of 4 encyclopedias includes 3 levels: elementary, middle or high school.

Discovering Collection:    This Gale database covers history, literature, science, social studies, and more, providing a premium selection of reference, primary sources, creative works, and multimedia, including hours of video and audio clips.

 Britannica Academic Edition: Provides articles written by Nobel laureates, historians, curators, professors and other distinguished contributors.  Grades 9-12. Be sure to check out the "web links" on the left side of each article!

Britannica School Edition: Geared for school-related research topics, this group of 4 encyclopedias includes 3 levels: elementary, middle or high school.

Discovering Collection:    This Gale database covers history, literature, science, social studies, and more, providing a premium selection of reference, primary sources, creative works, and multimedia, including hours of video and audio clips.

EBSCOhost Student Research Center: 

Encyclopedia of World Biography:  Part of the Gale Virtual Reference Library - contains thousands of biographies from ancient through modern times.  Note:  To get back to the ROR webpage, you need to click “Return to Library” in top blue bar.

Gale Group:  Provided by ELM, this group of databases includes reference books, full-text magazine and newspaper articles, photos, audio and video clips for students of all ages as well as professional materials for teachers.  Titles: Discovering Collection, Educator’s Reference Complete, Expanded Academic ASAP, General Science, Informe, Junior Edition, Junior Reference Collection, Kids Edition, Kids InfoBits, Professional Collection, Student Edition and Student Resources in Context.
If you select Gale Group Power Search, you are able to search all of these databases at once.

InfoTrac Student Edition:   This Gale database is designed for high-school students and provides access to a variety of indexed and full-text magazines, newspapers, podcasts, and reference books for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports and more.

The following websites are not purchased databases (you have to figure out the citation yourself):

Arthurian Legend 

Caerleon Net ( "King Arthur - the legend")


Castles: Knight of the Round Table

eHow: Stages of Knighthood

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table

King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table

King Arthur and the Legend of the Knights of the Round Table

Knights' Code of Chivalry

Knights' Tournaments

Mediaval Tournaments

Middle Age. org: "Steps to Knighthood"

Sir Lancelot

Wikipedia: Chivalry