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Literary Criticism

Literary Criticism

**NOTE:  Before you print you must either:

1) Highlight what you want on the webpage, go to “File” and “Print,” click the circle next to “Selection,” then “Print.”  OR

2)  Copy and paste to a Word document (to find “Word,” go to “Start” and choose “Programs.”  “MS Office” is where “Word” can be found.)   Once you have the information copied and pasted to the Word Document, you can change the size of the font to a smaller size (On the Word Document go to "Edit" then "Select All."  Click the arrow next to the font size number at the top and change the number to 10 or 8 if you can read text that small.)  OR

3) If you are in a database (Grolier, SIRS, Gale, EBSCO, ABC-CLIO etc.) use the “printer friendly” icon and you don’t have to copy and paste.


The following are links to websites that are purchased databases (provide citations for you):

Critical Insights and Critical Survey of Long Fiction (Salem Press):

EBSCOhost Web (Select Academic Search Premier, MasterFILE Premier and EBSCO MegaFILE.)  Select “full text”under “Limit your results.”  Type the name of an author or book title followed by the word “criticism” in the search bar:

Student Research Center (EBSCO).  Select “full text” under “Limit your results.”  Type the name of an author or book title followed by the word “criticism” in the search bar.  http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=src

Student Resources in Context (Gale).  Select “View All” next to “Literature.”  Select the author or literary work you’d like to research:


The St. Paul Public Library has several literature-related sites which you can access if you have a SPPL library card.  In order to open the links, you will need your library card number and a pin number.  If you don’t have these, you can call the St. Paul Public Library system at 651-266-7000 or go online to http://sppl.org to find out how to get your card or pin number. 

The databases are listed here:

The remote access page for the following links is located at:

          Literature Resource Center:  Covers novelists, poets, essayists, journalists, writers, and criticism of their works. Includes Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and the Dictionary of Literary Biography.

          Contemporary Authors:  Profiles of authors' lives and their works.

          LitFinder:  Search poems, essays, speeches, stories, and plays. Many (but not all) of the citations include the full text of the items indexed.

            Biography in Context: Biographical information on more than 250,000 people, as well as access to a million brief biographies from Who's Who.


The following are links to websites that are reliable but are not purchased databases (you have to figure out the citation yourself): 

Literary Criticism Collection (Internet Public Library): http://www.ipl.org/ref/litcrit/

Literary History: http://www.literaryhistory.com An index to free articles on English and American literature, mixed bag of scholarly and popular

Literary Resources on the Net: http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/ 

LitLinks: http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/litlinks/ 

PAL: Perspectives in American Literature--A Research and Reference Guide: http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/table.html

SchoolWork.org Literary Criticism and Biography: http://www.schoolwork.org/books.html 

TeachingLiterature.org - Literary Criticism Segment: http://www.teachingliterature.org/teachingliterature/criticism.htm



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