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Academic Help

Tips for Achieving Good Grades

  • At the beginning of each term make sure you know all of your teachers' policies. For example:  Where do you go for make-up work when you missed a day?  What is the late work policy?  Can you ask for extensions?  Is extra credit offered?  How are final grades determined?
  • Keep a separate folder and notebook for each class.  Keep everything!  Your folder should include the syllabus, assignment sheets, notes and returned homework.
  • Identify at least one student in each class you can call for questions/help.
  • Use your planner (or your own organizational system) for keeping track of deadlines.
  • If your study habits are not getting you the grades you want, evaluate them.  Use what works, discard what doesn't!
  • Make connections in what you are learning - look for ways your science labs are connected to what you are studying in history, read the newspaper and look for connections between the themes in your literature assignments and current events.

Academic Help @Como

Steps for Seeking Academic Help from a Teacher

  • Politely ask your teacher before or after class, “Can we schedule a time where I can talk to you about my grade?”
  • Questions to ask during the meeting with your teacher:
      • “What are your suggestions for improving my grade in your class?”
      • “Are there any tests that I can make-up?”
      • “When would be a good time to come in to make up tests/quizzes?”
  • If you are uncomfortable talking to your teacher, see your counselor for support.

Cougar Catch-Up: After School Help with Staff

Students are invited to make appointments after school with teachers and staff for 35-45 minutes to receive homework help, discuss their grades and make-up assignments and/or tests.  Students are eligible to receive a city bus token only on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  

Academic Help Outside of CPSHS


Saint Paul Public Library Homework Help

Many of the St. Paul libraries have homework help centers where you can drop in and get help from tutors. They also have online homework help if you have a quick question or need help from a tutor.