Course Catalog
Welcome to the Como Park Senior High School 2025-2026 Course Catalog. Information is still being updated with course information for next year.
This registration guide has been prepared to assist students in selecting courses for next year. We offer a wide variety of diverse and challenging classes. Planning your high school academic program aligned to your unique needs, interests and plans is a process involving many choices and decisions.
Students are encouraged to carefully select courses for the entire year. We hope students will take advantage of our broad selection of offerings from all departments. It is strongly recommended that students make an overall plan for their freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years, in partnership with our counseling team.
We build the master schedule and assign teachers based on student course requests; please choose wisely and carefully.
Course Offerings
Sort by Subject Area
Credits/Term: 1
Planning Requirements: Open to only 12th graders.
- Business/ Marketing
Credits/Term: 1
Planning Requirements: Analysis is taken in 11th or 12th grade.
- Mathematics
Credits/Term: 1
Planning Requirements: Anatomy and Physiology is taken in 11th or 12th grade.
- Science
Credits/Term: 1
Planning Requirements: AP Biology is taken in 10th, 11th or 12th grade. Biology, Accelerated is a pre-requisite for AP Biology.
- Science
Credits/Term: 1
Planning Requirements: Pre-calculus is a pre-requisite for AP Calculus AB.
- Mathematics
Credits/Term: 1
Planning Requirements: AP Calculus AB is a pre-requisite for AP Calculus BC.
- Mathematics
Credits/Term: 1
Planning Requirements: This class is taken in 11th or 12th grade. Chemistry, Accelerated is a pre-requisite for AP Chemistry.
- Science
Credits/Term: 1
Planning Requirements: This course is taken in 10th, 11th or 12th grade.
- Language Arts
After you have reviewed the Course Offerings, input your requests into Student Portal.
Meet Your School Counselors
Graduation Requirements
Saint Paul Public Schools requires 86 total credits to graduate from high schools. Check this webpage for more specific information based on your graduation year.
Specialized Programs
Advanced Courses & Opportunities to Earn College Credit
Como Park Senior offers students multiple different types of college-level courses. College-Level courses cover college-level curriculum and move at the speed of a college course. Students earn grade points based on the college-level class value column. Students who have earned A’s in regular courses or A’s and B’s in accelerated courses are encouraged to explore college-level course options in that subject area. College-level courses are denoted with two stars (**) in the course catalog. The different types of college-level courses offered at CPHS are listed below as well as other opportunities to earn college credit.
Advanced Placement (AP)
The Como Park Advanced Placement program enriches the high school experience of students who are willing and able to apply themselves to college-level studies. The program serves as an “academic bridge” between high school and college by providing students with a rigorous curriculum of intensive study. AP courses are taught by our teachers onsite at Como Park Senior High School. Como Park High School’s Advanced Placement program is one of the most comprehensive AP programs in the state. In order to receive college credit for AP courses, students must score at an acceptable level on the AP Exam in the spring. Individual colleges determine the AP score required in order to award college credit, but in general a 3 or higher on the AP exam will earn credit at many colleges.
Academy of Finance (AOF)
The Academy of Finance (AOF) is a small learning community that offers high school students an opportunity to study accounting, international trade, leadership, and the use of technology while preparing for college and/or careers in the financial services industry. AOF students take a minimum of 1 AOF business course each of their 4 years at Como HS. AOF juniors and seniors in good standing have the opportunity to participate in business internships. Students who earn grades of B or higher in their AOF business course are eligible to receive college credit from St. Paul College. AOF is a citywide program, so students throughout the district can enroll at Como Park HS through the Academy of Finance.
District Career Pathways
Saint Paul Career Pathways Academy (CPA) is a high school program located at Saint Paul College where students can explore careers, take Career and Technical Education courses, and have the opportunity to earn high school and college credit.
College in the Schools (CIS)
CIS is a partnership program between the University of Minnesota (U of M) and area high schools. It delivers regular university introductory level courses to high school juniors and seniors. The content, pedagogy, and assessment of CIS courses are the same as the on-campus courses. CIS courses are taught by our teachers onsite at Como Park Senior High School. Students successfully completing a CIS course receive University of Minnesota academic credit.
Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)
PSEO allows high school sophomores, juniors and seniors to attend a Technical Institute, College, or University either full or part time, at no cost to the student. Students may enroll in nonsectarian courses at an eligible 2- year or 4-year institution and earn high school and college credits at the same time. Students may not take more than a full course load when the high school and PSEO programs are combined. Various colleges have eligibility requirements and application deadlines. It is the student’s responsibility to work with the college they plan to attend as well as to assure that they have the necessary credits for graduation.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Como Park Senior High School reports both a weighted and unweighted GPA on Official Student Transcripts. Colleges and employers will often take into account both a student’s weighted and unweighted GPA because each value provides valuable information about how a student performed academically in their high school courses. A weighted GPA allows accelerated and college-level courses to earn additional grade points for each letter grade. An unweighted GPA values every course on the same scale. More information about regular, accelerated, and college-level opportunities can be found on the Course Level Page.
Schedule Correction Policy
The Como Park Senior High School Counseling Department has developed the Schedule Correction Policy to ensure all students have equal access to Como courses. The courses students request during spring registration are the basis for courses offered each year, staffing, and purchasing of books and equipment. The policy ensures an optimal building schedule and allows counselors to complete schedules in a timely manner with minimal disruption to the school day.
Students have up to the first five school days of Quarter 1 and the first three school days of Quarter 3 to request a schedule correction. After the deadline, students will be held to their current schedule with the exception of level changes (see below). Even though courses are graded quarterly, classes are scheduled either semester-long or year-long. There are no classes that begin in Quarter 2 or Quarter 4, so students are not allowed to make schedule changes during Quarter 2 or Quarter 4. Classes dropped after the mid-quarter date will result in an N on the student’s transcript.
The following schedule correction requests will be reviewed by a student’s counselor, but are not guaranteed approval:
- Student has been scheduled into a course that does not align with their graduation pathway (Course is out of sequence or missing prerequisite course).
- Senior is missing a course needed for graduation.
- Student has been scheduled into a course they already took.
- Student has an incomplete schedule.
- Student was scheduled into a course they did not select during spring course registration. Students should complete the Elective Correction Request Form and must select a new elective within the same period.
- Course level change: A course level change is defined as moving from a regular level of a course to an advanced level of that same course or moving from an advanced level to a regular level of that same course. Students may request a course level change up to the Quarter 1 and Quarter 3 mid-quarter date. Level changes are not permitted during Quarter 2 and Quarter 4. Students requesting a course level change must complete the Schedule Change Request Form signed by the teacher, parent, and student and returned to the student’s counselor by the deadline. Although the deadline is mid-quarter, It is recommended that students make course level changes within the first two weeks of a quarter for ease of transitioning to the new course.
- Add School Service and/or Peer Tutor: Juniors and Seniors on-track for graduation are eligible to drop a course not required for graduation and become a school service or peer tutor during that period. Students may have a maximum of one school service and one peer tutor period per semester. Students must complete the School Service Form or Peer Tutor Form signed by the supervising teacher, parent, and student and returned to the student’s counselor.
- Early and Late Release: Juniors and Seniors on-track for graduation are eligible to drop a course(s) not needed for graduation and opt to arrive to school late or leave early. Students must complete the Early/Late Release Form, signed by the student and parent and returned to the student’s counselor. Students are required to maintain a minimum of four classes in their schedule.
You must follow the schedule as it appears in your Campus Portal. If you have submitted a request for a schedule correction, you must follow your current schedule until the change is reflected in your Campus Portal account. Once a change has been made, it is final.
The beginning of a semester is an incredibly busy time for school counselors. Please wait at least 48 hours after submitting your request before contacting your counselor about the status of your request.
The master schedule is built around the courses students request during spring registration the following adjustments to schedules will not be allowed:
- Requests to change an elective course that a student selected during spring registration
- Requests to change to a different teacher
- Requests to move to a different period
- Requests to change lunch (advisory) period
- Requests submitted after the deadline
- Requests to change during 2nd or quarter or 4th quarter